All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angle mother -Abraham Lincoln
I have seen a lot of emotional videos around this time of the year about Mother's day. I have also seen interviews of prime ministers and celebrities. Let's do something different this year. When I talk to my mom, I magically get the therapeutic treatment and the solution to my problem. That solution might be in different forms (scolding, explaining, or most of the times, just being there to hear me out).So, I decided to interview her. I have adapted to all her solutions. Spoiler alert - they work. So let's see what she has to say about the 'problems we face'.
If you belonged to our generation, how would you react to a heartbreak?
"Well, initially, I know, that I would've felt horrible about it. The recovery time would depend on my schedule. If I were a busy working person, it would be easier to keep me away from those thoughts. I would remind myself that feeling depressed and crying my heart out about it is very normal. I am sure I would have said "Now how will I live my entire life without that person". I am also sure that, at the end, once the reality strikes, I would be mature enough to understand that this heartbreak will bring something good in my life. "
How do I tackle insomnia? I have seen a lot of videos about it. I know how it will affect my life in long term. I am sure a lot of us have this problem. We have the knowledge, but implementing it due to our lifestyles is very difficult for us.
"Every generation has its own problems, just the words are different. We have surpassed our problems without watching millions of videos about it. You have so many sources these days. As you said, that is why you know it is bad. So stop doing it. Discipline and self control will get you through this. Being sleep deprived at the age of 24(she said 25, but Mom! I am 24) isn't a good sign. Imagine what will happen to you when you are 50. Stop scrolling through your phone. I know, that's the problem leading to this problem. We as parents can snatch phones from a 15 year old, not from a 25 year old (Mom, again, I am 24!!). If we snatch it from you, your independence swords come out!"
What do you think are the major issues of our generation?
"You have too many options, about choosing a life partner, food, studying at a university, etc etc."
Okay? How is that a problem?
"Because you have so many options, you are never happy with whatever you choose. That is why your demands never end. You guys want a life partner with extreme compatibility. The truth is, finding someone who likes to travel and going with him/her is easy. But true love is when that person comes out of his/her comfort zone just to make you happy. But you people have already made a list of all the qualities you want that person to have."
Don't we have the right to demand those qualities? If he is not compatible, how will we live together?
"You do, everyone has all the rights. But sometimes, you aim at perfection. The reality is, you won't find a person who is 100% compatible. You will have to compromise and come out of your comfort zone."
Alright, so this "too many options" is causing overthinking. Sometimes, it gets overwhelming. How do we make the right decision by not overthinking?
"Don't run behind perfection. Enjoy the procedure. Enjoy your application process instead of thinking about all the possible ways you could chose a wrong university. You research so much over buying one small thing. You go to different online websites to check the rates, then go to the store near you to check the exact same thing. All this fuss in order to save those 5 bucks. And then you complain that you don't have enough time to talk to your mother. You know what Rucha, if you tell your mind "let's enjoy this", your mind will enjoy. But if you say "Listen! don't think about it", you mind will definitely think about it. Try to enjoy things."
Okay, what do you think about live in relationships?
"I feel live-in relationship is a very good option. The problem is, I don't want our society to point fingers at my children. I wish everyone accepted it. The couples who weren't meant for each other in our generation still had to live with each other. Today, there are so many aspects to a life partner. You can decode those aspects only after staying with your partner for a year or two. "
So what do you think should be the precautions while staying in a live-in?
"No care as such. I think the generation today is intelligent enough to set boundaries. Live-in brings more responsibility because after marriage, your family can bind you back if you fight. In a live-in, you're on your own."
If you had technology boost in your generation, do you think you would have been addicted to it?
"No. Our parents were connected to the nature. We, as parents, gave the technology in your hand. Every child's interests start developing at the age of 10-12. During those years, we gave you computers and phones in your hand. We wanted you to have everything we didn't get during our childhood. Having said that, be connected to the nature. Never lose that touch.
I want to learn from my mistakes but not let them affect me.
"See, there are three tiers of mistakes. The minor ones, just laugh it out and let go. The mistakes that might affect you, learn from them and make sure you take the required care. The major mistakes that you make in your professional life or personal life need self analysis. You need to make sure that you make this analysis without being egoistic. Always remember, don't be so sensitive. It's okay, mistakes happen."
There are so many other problems I discuss with her. Let me know if I should have more discussions like this. Please go talk to your mom because she has the solutions to your problems. Also, if there is a question you can't ask your mom, I will ask it anonymously. Thank you for reading <3 And thank you mom for doing this for my blog. <3 Happy mother's day!