On the 8th of November, last year, I had my first of the many entrance exams I was obliged to take. Like for the other exams, I felt unprepared for this one too. Like for the other exams, my mom convinced me that I will remember once I start writing the first answer. I don't know why I get into these phases during the exams. First, I panic upon the fact that I cannot remember anything during the revision sessions. Second, I magically start writing answers during the exam and silently thank mom for being right. Third (the most dreadful one), I forget everything after the exam! It's like my brain says "Okay, listen! you won't need this theory of 14 principles of management anyway. Let me just create space for some more theory for the next exam." Okay, so I was talking about 8th of November. I found this piece while going through my diary and thought I should share this.
Hey! The most awkward thing happened to me! Oh God! I was so embarrassed!
Dad came to drop me to the examination center. He had to follow mom's instructions and check if the environment is "safe". Why would a university call me to take the entrance test to a fake "unsafe" place? I will never have the answer to that.
When we reached the location, my dad announced that he will drop me to the examination hall, not just the center. So he followed me to the first floor where I inquired about the registration process. The allocated person asked me to wait on the fourth floor because the reporting time was in 15 minutes. "Someone will call you", he said. My dad gave him a weird look, almost saying "you are asking my precious daughter to wait!!" . "Okay dad! bye!", I said, breaking the tension. "No, no, let's go to the fourth floor. I will drop you there", he announced. I convinced him to leave because I am old enough to take care of my independent self. But those efforts went in vain. As we reached the fourth floor, we saw 5-6 guys waiting for "someone" to call them once the clock hit the reporting time. My dad walked up to them and asked, "Are you here for the exam?". I tried to act like I didn't know my dad and walked passed them, ignoring this situation. "Why god, why! Why did he want to talk to these guys" I cursed. Those 5-6 guys stood up and said "Yes Sir", assuming that my dad is that "someone" who was supposed to call them. "Okay dad, BYE!", I said sending him the "please leave" vibes. "All the best", he said sending me the "okay okay, I am going" vibes. Dad shook their hands and wished them luck before he left. As they all sat back in their seats, I didn't know if they were more embarrassed to have misinterpreted my father as the faculty or I was more embarrassed to stand there and watch all of this happen!